25 Best Red Fruits To Add to Your Diet

Strawberries are red, raspberries aren’t blue, these red fruits are crazy delicious, and they’re good for you too!

Try them all today and pick your favorite.

Bowl of Fresh Strawberries

I may not be winning any poetry awards, but you’ll thank me once you get a taste of these tasty red fruits.

With their beautiful coloring and fantastic health benefits, you just can’t beat fresh, vibrant produce.

They make a statement in any dish, and depending on what you choose, they can be firm, soft, sweet, tart, or sour.

So, I’ve gathered 25 of my favorite red fruits to inspire you and your cooking. Enjoy!

25 Different Types of Red Fruits We Can’t Get Enough Of

Basket of Fresh Strawberries

1. Strawberry

Strawberries are at the top of this list because they’re sweet, juicy, and probably the top choice for kids and adults alike.

When they’re ripe, they’re insanely juicy and need nothing more than a bit of whipped cream.

Better yet, they’re seriously beneficial. 

In fact, it’s recommended we eat eight strawberries a day! They’re good for your heart, brain, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Use them to make smoothies, cakes, cookies, and more. You’ll never go wrong with something strawberry-infused.

Wooden Bowl Filled with Raspberries

2. Raspberry

I know I said strawberries are most people’s top choice, but when they’re fresh and fragrant, I can’t resist raspberries.

I love their sweet, floral flavor. Plus, they make the best preserves and sauces.

And they are seriously power-packed. Raspberries literally burst with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. 

That means you can feel good about each and every one you devour.

So, eat some raspberries if you care about your heart, bones, brain, skin, and blood pressure.

They’re incredible with white chocolate, scrummy with dark chocolate, and even tasty with other fruits.

But my favorite way to use raspberries has to be in cocktails!

Fresh Cherries on a Table

3. Cherry

This stone fruit might be small, but it sure is mighty.

Each bite (all two of them) contains a myriad of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. 

Fresh cherries have a lovely sweet, slightly tart taste that will excite your taste buds.

They pair especially well with dark chocolate and make one helluva cobbler.

Just be careful of the pit!

Fresh Red Apples

4. Red Apple

My favorite part of fall is that apples are ready for harvesting!

I have so many good memories from days spent at the orchard. And the red varieties of apples are the best. 

First, red apples are deliciously sweet. Plus, they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and names (at least fifteen).

Each one is loaded with healthy goodness that tastes great to boot.

Your lungs, heart, bones, gut, immune system, and brain will all profit from eating apples. 

So go ahead and make something tasty. I’m thinking apple coffee cake!

Fresh Red Plums

5. Red Plum 

Like apples, there are a few different kinds of red plums. However, they have many similarities, including taste and nutrition. 

Personally, I think they’re underrated, hiding in the shadow of other stone fruits.

But if you give them a shot, you’ll see that red plums have light, sweet flesh and tart skin. The combo is amazing! 

As for their nutrition content, plums are rich in antioxidants and fiber. That makes them a great addition to any diet.

I like them in tarts because the color is just so stunning.

Sliced Watermelon

6. Watermelon

According to many news sources, people are chronically dehydrated. And while water is the best remedy, water-melon is here to help. 

In fact, watermelon has a water content of 90 percent! So grab a slice and feel good.

Watermelon hydrates your body from the inside out. Plus, it’s loaded with other good things, too.

And ripe watermelon is one of the best-tasting fruits out there. Whether you use the flesh or just the juice, you won’t be disappointed.

Fresh Red Pears Drying on a Yellow and White Towel

7. Red Pear

Red Anjou, Crimson, and Bartlett are just a few types of red pears. And every one of them is worth a try!

No matter the variety, pears taste sweet, floral, and utterly divine. 

They possess cancer-fighting, heart-helping, and anti-aging properties! And that’s just the beginning. 

I love pears for snacking, but they also taste amazing stewed or with cheese.

Fresh Red Chokecherries Attached To Stem

8. Red Chokecherry

Native to North America, the red chokecherry (also chokeberry or Aronia berry) is a food superhero.

It’ll KAPOW cancer, ZAP viruses, and WHAM high blood pressure. Allergies, heart problems, and swelling don’t stand a chance!

Since they taste a bit like cherries, all those good properties are easy to swallow. Literally. 

Whole and Sliced Into Half Pomegranate Lying on a Wooden Table

9. Pomegranate

I think eating pomegranates is kind of like a treasure hunt. You really have to dig to get the gold… or rubies, in this case.

But every bit of effort is worth it.

Pomegranates are delicious! Plus, every single seed is brimming with impressive nutrition.

Memory, pregnancy, bone health, reproductive health, teeth, and skin can all benefit. 

Need some inspiration? Check out these stunning pomegranate recipes.

Sliced Fresh Dragon Fruit

10. Dragon Fruit

Named for its fiery, scaly, colorful exterior, dragon fruit is not to be trifled with.

At least, illness and diseases can’t mess around when there’s dragon fruit in your diet. 

It’s loaded with antioxidants, prebiotics, minerals, and other nutrients. Hello, good health!

It’s also delicious when it’s in season. It tastes something like a kiwi and is sweet, juicy, and all-around awesome. 

Basket of Fresh Cranberries Spilling on the Table

11. Cranberry

I just love the sweet and tart taste of cranberries.

Give me all the cranberry juice, sauce, scones, and muffins you have, and it won’t be enough!

Luckily for us both cranberries are super healthy. 

From urinary tract health to cancer-free cells to better immunity, cranberry covers it all.

A little cranberry every day will definitely help you feel your best. Better yet, it’s super easy to add it to cookies, cakes, and more!

Bunch of Red Banana

12. Red Banana

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess you’ve never had RED bananas. If you’ve never been to Southeast Asia, that’s not terribly surprising. 

I’m sure you’re wondering how they compare to their yellow counterparts. Well, red and yellow bananas are actually pretty similar!

Red bananas are a bit smaller and denser, and obviously, the peel is different.

Some people say they are slightly sweeter than yellow bananas, with a berry-like aftertaste. 

Regarding nutrition, red bananas contain a bit more vitamin C.

Unfortunately, they’re not easy to get your hands on. So if you find some, give them a shot!

Bowl of Fresh Red Currant

13. Redcurrant

Prepare to pucker up! These little berries pack a powerful punch – in taste and nutrition.

I find redcurrants delicious with their sweet and rather tart taste. They’re like nature’s Sour Patch Kids!  

As for health, one cup of redcurrants contains 77% of your daily vitamin C intake. Now, that’s an immunity-boosting fruit!

They also are great for skin health and bone strength. So why not add them to your pantry? They’re great in plenty of recipes, just like cranberries.

Whole and Cut Into Half Fresh Passion Fruit

14. Red Passion Fruit

If you’d like to maintain a youthful appearance, make passion fruit your new best friend.

Every spoonful tastes like a tropical paradise, AND it’s loaded with antioxidants. 

Regularly eating passion fruit will benefit your skin, hair, and nails. Plus, your eyes and cells, too!

No wonder the Aussies are all so stunning – they put passion fruit on practically everything!

Fresh Rambutan

15. Rambutan

Rambutan might be one of the weirdest-looking fruits out there. It’s red, fuzzy, and kinda looks like a sea urchin.

But, I gotta say… it’s pretty darn delicious! 

Rambutan tastes similar to lychee, which more people may be familiar with. It has a sweet and almost delicate flavor that I find heavenly.

You can add it to ice cream, salads, and, of course, cocktails

Red Durian Fruits on a Bamboo Table

16. Red Durian Fruit

If you know anything about durian, you know it’s…let’s just say distinctive. As in: it has a distinct odor that kind of smells like rotting garbage. 

I tried it for the first time at a market in Thailand and was taken aback by the smell. In fact, it’s actually illegal to cut into one in a lot of places!

But it tastes sensational!

Durian sakang (red durian) is a rare cultivar native to Sabah, a small Malaysian island. Unfortunately, it grows wild only on that island, so it’s hard to try.

The red durian smells less like death and more like fermenting wine. As for taste, it’s mild and sweet, with a light creamy texture. 

Red Mango on a Woven Tray

17. Red Mango

Most people are familiar with red mangoes. They tend to be the most common variety in the United States.

That being said, there are still a few different cultivars of red mangoes. 

However, they all have fabulous nutrition and a delicious taste. Red mangoes are sweet, creamy, and fabulously tropical. 

Fresh Red Grapes

18. Red Grapes

Red grapes are one of my favorite fruits. I love how perfectly-ripe grapes pop in your mouth. Honestly, they’re kind of addictive. 

That’s good news for me because they can prevent cancer, boost immunity, and reduce cholesterol. 

Sliced Red Prickly Pear

19. Red Prickly Pear

This cactus fruit is not actually a pear, though it kind of looks like one. It’s just a little sharper.

But if you can get past its menacing spikes, it’s pretty good eating!

Prickly pears boast loads of healthy goodness in every bite. Antioxidants, potassium, calcium… it has all the good stuff!

Plus, they taste like bubblegum and watermelon!

Woven Basket Full of Fresh Lychees

20. Lychee

Lychees are sweet, red fruits that grow in Southeast Asia. They have a light, sweet taste, similar to a grape, but are more tropical. 

You can often find lychees canned in syrup in your local Asian market. 

Red Tamarillos

21. Red Tamarillo 

If you love tomatoes, give tamarillos a try!

They taste like sweet tomatoes but a bit more fruity with a sour kick. They are most commonly eaten peeled with sugar. 

And you definitely want to get your hands on some! Supposedly, red tamarillo may help you live longer.

Basket of Fresh Red Tomatoes

22. Red Tomatoes

I’ve found people either love tomatoes or hate them. Personally, I love them and will eat them fresh or cooked. 

But they’re best in tacos!

Tomatoes are jam-packed with antioxidants, too, including lycopene, which can fight cancer and heart disease. 

Wooden Bowl Full of Lingonberries

23. Lingonberry

The first time many people encounter this delicious berry is at IKEA.

They’re sweet, tart, and totally tantalizing. Plus, they’re loaded with – you guessed it – antioxidants. 

Lingonberries are excellent in jams and baked goods!

But I prefer them in a sauce (like cranberry sauce), which tastes amazing on turkey or Swedish meatballs. 

Basket of Fresh Water Apple

24. Water Apple

Contrary to their name, water apples are not actually related to apples. Instead, they’re tropical berries native to Southeast Asia.

And boy, they are beneficial for you! 

Water apples boast numerous health benefits and have been used for centuries in Indian medicine to combat liver and heart disorders. 

On top of that, they’re loaded with vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and other nutrients. 

As for their taste, water apples are sweet and floral. They have low acidity, so they’re easy on your stomach too. 

Red Mombins

25. Red Mombin

If you love peaches, plums, cherries, and other stone fruits, you must try red mombin.

You may recognize their colloquial name, Hog Plum. If not, then let me introduce you. 

They’re little stone fruits with dark red skin and yellowish flesh. I think they kind of look like tomatoes or giant red olives.

Native to the tropical Americas, they’re incredibly sweet and delicious! They kind of taste like the lovechild of a mango and a red plum.

Of course, I can’t forget to mention their health benefits! Red mombins are rich in iron, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

The fruit and other parts of the Mombin tree are often used medicinally. They can treat muscle spasms, anemia, ulcers, and digestion issues.

Pretty cool, huh?

25 Best Red Fruits To Add to Your Diet

Strawberries are red, raspberries aren’t blue, these red fruits are crazy delicious, and they’re good for you too! Try them today and pick your favorite.


  • Strawberry

  • Raspberry

  • Cherry

  • Red Apple

  • Red Plum

  • Watermelon

  • Red Pear

  • Red Chokecherry

  • Pomegranate

  • Dragon Fruit

  • Cranberry

  • Red Banana

  • Redcurrant

  • Red Passion Fruit

  • Rambutan

  • Red Durian Fruit

  • Red Mango

  • Red Grapes

  • Red Prickly Pear

  • Lychee

  • Red Tamarillo

  • Red Tomatoes

  • Lingonberry

  • Water Apple

  • Red Mombin


  • Select your favorite red fruits.
  • Try a fun and exciting new recipe.
  • Enjoy!
Red Fruits

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