13 Fruits That Start with P

There are plenty of reasons you might be looking for fruits that start with P.

Maybe it’s for a school project or a fun theme night with friends. Either way, I’ve got plenty to choose from.

Fruits That Start with P

I don’t think I’ve ever had a fruit that I didn’t enjoy.

And if you enjoy fruit as much as I do, you’ll want to bookmark this list for later.

Some familiar favorites include papaya, passion fruit, peaches, and pomelo! But there’s a few here you might not know.

So, how many of these fruits that start with P have you tried?


1. Papaya

Originating in Central America, the papaya (and papaya recipes) is sweet and full of nutrients. This juicy and fleshy fruit is said to be a powerful antioxidant and improves digestion.

Not only is it super healthy, it also has many other uses. In parts of Asia, it’s used to make soap because of its skin-brightening properties.

The papaya also contains enzymes that make it an excellent natural meat tenderizer.

Passion Fruit

2. Passion Fruit

A beautiful colorful fruit native to Brazil, passion fruits are maroon or magenta on the outside and bright and yellow on the inside.

You might be surprised to know that the passion fruit is actually part of the berry family!

It’s used in many different ways around the world, but the most popular way to enjoy passion fruit is as a beverage.

I love passion fruit cocktails. But it’s also one of my favorite ways to jazz up cakes and pavlovas!

Paw Paw Fruit

3. Paw Paw

The paw paw is such a unique fruit! Its flavor is said to be similar to a cross between a mango and a banana.

Sounds delicious right?

But while it’s usually compared to tropical fruits, the paw paw is actually native to the USA and Canada.

Yup! These oblong-shaped green fruits have been grown for hundreds of years by Native Americans.

There’s even a rumor that the paw paw is George Washington’s favorite fruit!

Fresh Peach

4. Peach

A fruit so delicious, it has a whole month dedicated to it! Yep. If you didn’t know, August is National Peach Month!

These fuzzy fruits are a favorite treat for many, and their sweet and tangy flavor seems to go well with any peach dessert.

They’re an excellent source of Vitamins A and C and also the third most popular fruit in America.


5. Pear

A fruit that is considered to be one of the highest in fiber content, pears are another popular fruit that everybody loves.

These little bells are native to Asia and Europe, and there are more than 3000 kinds of pears all around the world!

This fruit is so delicious and healthy that it is even considered sacred in Greek mythology.


6. Persimmon

Here’s one of my absolute favorite fruits! Most types of persimmons look super cute, and they’re also super yummy!

Part of the rose family, a ripe persimmon will have a mild but sweet taste and a texture similar to apricots.

Perhaps the only downside to them is that they are a bit more expensive than other fruits.

This is because they can be difficult to grow and propagate.


7. Pineapple

Here’s another popular fruit that has so many uses!

Pineapples are a fruit indigenous to South America. And they’re one of the most versatile fruits around!

They’re great in pineapple desserts and cocktials, and yes, even on pizza!

Not only that but just like papayas, they also have meat tenderizing properties.

Dragon Fruit Or Pitaya

8. Pitaya

More popularly known as dragon fruit, pitaya is actually the fruit of a cactus. Aside from having a cool name, this fruit even looks cool too!

Bright pink with green thorn-like leaves on the outside and white with black seeds on the inside.

You definitely won’t mistake the dragon fruit for anything else.

Depending on the variety, this fruit’s texture can be similar to kiwis or apples!

Fried Plantains

9. Plantains

Here’s a P fruit you’ll definitely recognize. Plantains are long, thick, giant bananas!

Higher in starch and lower in sugar, the plantain is known to be a cooking banana because it’s sturdier and can withstand more heat.

Fried plantains coated in brown sugar are one of my a favorite snacks.

But in the Carribean where they originated these starchy fruits are cooked like vegetables and are added to savory dishes.

(Check out my post ‘plantains vs. bananas‘ if you’re curious to learn more.)


10. Plum

If you want to be good to your heart, have a plum! These fruits are super healthy.

Also part of the rose family, plums can be as large as a baseball or as small as a cherry, and they are grown on all continents except Antarctica.

There are more than 200 types of plums, but the two main ones are European plums and Japanese plums.


11. Pomegranate

Another pretty fruit is the pomegranate! I absolutely love its rich, deep, color.

They’re said to have originated in the Middle East and around the Mediterranean.

Pomegranate seeds might be a pain to take out, but it’s definitely worth the effort!

Especially when you consider the antioxidants you get in just one fruit. It is said to have three times more antioxidants than green tea!

Fresh Peeled Pomelo

12. Pomelo

The king of all citrus fruits! The pomelo is a large, round fruit and a close cousin of the grapefruit. It is very popular in Southeast Asian countries.

Slice and peel off its thick yellow rind to reveal a pulpy and pink flesh. The pomelo can be eaten on its own, added to salads, or juiced.

If you love grapefruit, you’re going to love the pomelo even more because it’s juicier and sweeter!


13. Prunes

The second most consumed dried fruit after raisins, prunes are simply plums have been rehydrated with water and dried under the sun.

They might not look like much, but these wrinkly prunes are a powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients.

It is even known to have exceptional benefits for bone health.

Fruits That Start with P


  • Papaya

  • Passion Fruit

  • Paw Paw

  • Peach

  • Pear

  • Persimmon

  • Pineapple

  • Pitaya

  • Plantains

  • Plum

  • Pomegranate

  • Pomelo

  • Prunes


  • Select a food beginning with P.
  • Try a fun and exciting new recipe.
  • Enjoy!
Fruits That Start with P

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