Desserts That Start With E

Desserts That Start With E

I’m sure you’re familiar with some of the most popular desserts like cookies, pie, and ice cream. But what about desserts that start with the letter E?

Eclairs, elephant ears, and Esbeautyevalo pie shouldn’t be forgotten! So in this article we pay tribute to the desserts that start with E.

Here is a list of all things delicious that start with the letter E.

Traditional French Eclair

1. Eclairs

An eclair is like a fancy donut. It’s delicious choux pastry shaped into a tube by piping the dough. It’s then baked and filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing.

A fun fact about its name – eclair means ‘flash of lightning’ in French, as in, this pastry is so tasty it will be eaten in a flash! 

Esbeautyevalo Pie

2. Esbeautyevalo Pie

The Esbeautyevalo Pie is a a vanilla ice cream bar covered in a chocolate coating.

It was created by Danish immigrant Christian Kent Nelson. He got the idea when a boy came into his candy store and couldn’t decide whether to buy ice cream or a chocolate bar.

So why not have both? Christian Kent started experimenting with different ways to combine the two. The challenging part, of course, was getting the chocolate to adhere to bricks of ice cream.

He soon discovered that you could create a chocolate layer by dipping the ice cream into melted chocolate. When the chocolate touches the cold ice cream, a thin layer of chocolate
sticks to the ice cream.

The chocolate cools quickly, which allows it to set and form a firm chocolate layer around the ice cream. Viola.

By 1922, he was selling one million pies a day!

Egg Nog

3. Eggnog

Eggnog is an extra special holiday treat made with milk, cream, sugar, eggs, and a bit of alcohol. It’s usually made with either brandy, rum, or whiskey.

Of course, non-alcoholic versions can also be purchased if you have kids who also want to join in the festivities. You can always spike it later.

It’s also delicious with a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla.

Egg nog dates back all the way to the 1800’s. Just like today, it was almost always served during the winter months.

However, it wasn’t as sweet and often included much more alcohol than today’s version.

Eccles Cakes

4. Eccles Cake

An eccles cake is from England, and us Americans know that we have different names for things than the Brits.

To us, an eccles cake is much more like a pie or hand pie than a cake. It’s buttery, flaky pastry filled with currants, which are small fruits that are similar to grapes but more tart.

Egg Custard

5. Egg Custard

Egg custard is a simple pudding-type dessert that comes from the Southern United States. It’s made with eggs of course, plus milk, butter, sugar, flour, vanilla, and nutmeg.

It’s different from a pudding in that it is baked, similar to a flan or creme brulee. 

Strawberry Eggnog Trifle

6. Eggnog Trifle

Eggnog is a classic holiday drink made with milk, cream, sugar, and whipped eggs. It can be spiced with seasonal flavors like nutmeg, or spiked with a bit of booze. And it can be used in other fun ways besides drinking, like in desserts.

A trifle is basically creamy pudding or cake layers plus other fillings like fruits and whipped cream. Therefore, to make a lovely holiday treat, some of the layers in your trifle should be eggnog! Yum!

Egg Roll Cookies

7. Egg Roll Cookies

Think about the egg rolls you get at your favorite Chinese restaurant. Then replace the fillings with dessert flavors, and you have an egg roll cookie!

It is shaped and filled just like egg rolls, except the fillings are things like chocolate chip cookie dough instead of meat and veggies. Sounds pretty good to me.

Deep Fried Elephant Ears

8. Elephant Ears

If you’ve been to a county fair, chances are you’ve tasted, or at least smelled, this dessert.

They are extra-large pieces of fried dough, usually sprinkled with cinnamon sugar or topped with jam, and they look a bit like an actual elephant’s ear. I’m sure they taste a lot better though!

Chili Empanadas

9. Empanadas

Empanadas are baked or fried turnovers. They can be savory or sweet, and this list is all about the sweets.

The name means ‘enbreaded’ or wrapped in bread! Similarly to eccles cakes, they are a sort of hand pie. Fill your pastry with bananas or mangoes to stick to more authentic Mexican flavors.

English Pudding

10. English Pudding

As with the eccles cake, an English Pudding is different from a U.S. pudding. And it’s certainly no Snack Pack. It’s more like a cake or pastry with filling.

These can also be sweet or savory; you may have had a Yorkshire Pudding which are savory. They are a little bit like a souffle with raised up pastry-like tops and fillings underneath!

The Brits fill these pies with interesting ingredients like treacle or dried fruit.

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Desserts That Start With E


  • Eclairs

  • Esbeautyevalo Pie

  • Eggnog

  • Eccles Cake

  • Egg Custard

  • Eggnog Trifle

  • Egg Roll Cookies

  • Elephant Ears

  • Empanadas

  • English Pudding


  • Select a dessert beginning with E.
  • Try a fun and exciting new recipe.
  • Enjoy!
Desserts That Start With E

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