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Cheeseburger Meatloaf

Make this cheeseburger meatloaf recipe for a dinner that tastes exactly like your favorite burger!

It’s tender, juicy, and will quickly become your new favorite.

Cheeseburger Meatloaf with Cheese Filling Topped with Ketchup
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Cheeseburger Meatloaf

Not only is this cheeseburger meatloaf well-seasoned and juicy, but it also tastes just like a cheeseburger!

The addition of cheese in the center makes it gooey, while a ketchup and mustard glaze will have you thinking you’re at a burger joint.

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to put meatloaf back on my weekly menu.

Even if you didn’t love meatloaf as a child, this recipe will definitely change your mind!


There are a ton of recipes out there that claim to be the best meatloaf ever.

Some of them have a pretty extensive ingredient list that you don’t really need.

I’ve found that an amazing meatloaf is actually pretty simple! 

For this recipe, you will need:

  • Ground Beef – Fresh ground beef that hasn’t been previously frozen will yield the best result.
  • Bread Crumbs – These help bind the meatloaf together. And if you use seasoned bread crumbs, they also add a little flavor. 
  • Onion – Since this recipe is super simple and doesn’t require a ton of spices, the onion really adds a ton of flavor. Chop it super fine so they cook properly.
  • Eggs – This is what allows the meatloaf to keep its shape. 
  • Salt and Pepper – Always a must when cooking meatloaf!
  • Cheddar Cheese – It melts more consistently if it’s shredded. Shred your own instead of buying the pre-shredded. 
  • Ketchup and Mustard – For the glaze. You can’t have a cheeseburger without ketchup and mustard! 
A slice of homemade cheeseburger meatloaf sitting in a white plate, perfectly cooked and topped with a savory ketchup glaze

Tips for Making the Best Meatloaf

First things first: let’s talk about the type of meat that works best for all meatloaf recipes.

You don’t want too much fat, or it will result in a super greasy meatloaf. But using ground beef that’s too lean will make your meatloaf dry. And no one wants that!

So, I think the ideal ratio is 85/15. That gives you firm yet juicy meat every single time!

Now that’s out of the way, here’s a few more tips:

  • Do not over-mix the meat. Stop mixing as soon as the mixture comes together. Over-mixing will result in a dense and tough meatloaf.
  • Use a sheet tray for best results. Loaf pans help the meatloaf to keep its shape. But sheet trays allow for more even cooking and let the grease drain away.
  • Let the meatloaf rest for at least 10 minutes after cooking. This will allow the juices to redistribute, the cheese to set a little, and the meatloaf to keep its shape. It’s a little step that goes a long way!

How Do You Shape Meatloaf?

There are two different ways to shape this meatloaf.

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The pinwheel method:

  1. Flatten the beef into a large rectangle, with a long edge closest to you.
  2. Sprinkle the cheese in the middle, leaving room on all sides.
  3. Start rolling one of the long ends until it ends up like a pinwheel.
  4. Seal the edges, then bake.

The layering method:

  1. Separate the beef into three parts.
  2. Flatten out the first layer of meat and top it with half the cheese (leave room around the edges).
  3. Add another layer of meat followed by the rest of the cheese.
  4. Top it with the last layer of meat and seal the edges.

I like the pinwheel method because I think it looks the best. But it’s totally up to you!

Tender and Juicy Cheeseburger Meatloaf Filled with Cheese

How Long to Cook Meatloaf

No one ever wants a dry meatloaf, but you also don’t want to take it out of the oven before it’s done cooking.

The best way to tell if your meatloaf is finished is to use a meat thermometer. The center should reach 160 degrees F. 

Here are some estimated cooking times when baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit:

  • 1-pound meatloaf takes about 45 minutes
  • 2-pound meatloaf takes about 1 hour
  • 3-pound meatloaf takes about 1 hour 20 minutes

How to Make Cheeseburger Meatloaf Moist

Getting a perfectly juicy meatloaf that doesn’t fall apart can feel like an art.

The bread crumbs and eggs are what bind your meatloaf together and keep it from drying out.

Instead of bread crumbs, some people use oats or even crushed up saltine crackers.

The idea is the same — you just need a filler to soak up the juices and keep them in your meatloaf instead of allowing them to seep out.

There are even variations that use milk in the mixture.

Although you have to be careful when using milk because while it can make your mixture moist, it can fall apart if the right ratios are not used.

I find eggs and bread crumbs to be the perfect ingredients. 

Cheeseburger Meatloaf



Prep time


Cooking time





Make this cheeseburger meatloaf recipe for a dinner that tastes exactly like your favorite burger! It’s tender, juicy, and will quickly become your new favorite.


  • 2 pounds ground beef

  • ¾ cup bread crumbs

  • ½ cup minced onion

  • 2 eggs, beaten

  • 1 ½ teaspoon salt

  • 1 ½ teaspoon pepper

  • 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese

  • Ketchup and mustard to preference for glaze


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Mix beef, bread crumbs, onion, eggs, salt, and pepper just until the mixture comes together. Do not over-mix.
  • If using the pinwheel method, flatten your meat mixture into a 14×18 rectangle on a piece of wax paper.
  • Spread your shredded cheese on the center of your meat mixture. Leave a ¾ inch border around the edges.
  • Start forming your pinwheel loaf by rolling up your mixture like a jelly roll.
  • Pinch both ends, making sure the cheese is fully closed in.
  • Place in a 10×15 baking dish.
  • Cook for 1 hour or until the center reaches 160 degrees F.
  • If adding a glaze, put your oven temperature to 400 degree F and caramelize the glaze for 10 minutes.
  • Let sit for 10 minutes before cutting.
Cheeseburger Meatloaf

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beautyeval - InsanelyGood
Hey there! I'm beautyeval. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! I share recipes for people who LOVE good food, but want to keep things simple :)

2 thoughts on “Cheeseburger Meatloaf”

  1. This sounds delicious and I’m not a fan of meatloaf. I’m just wondering when to add the glaze? Do I take the meatloaf out 10 minutes before it’s done, increase oven temp and add glaze?

    • Hey, Sharon! I’ve seen this recipe done both ways. (i.e. – cook for an hour, THEN add the glaze and cook for another 10 minutes. OR cook for one hour total, adding the glaze in the last 10 minutes.)

      I prefer the second method, which is what you asked about. Taking it out about 10 minutes before it’s done and adding the glaze on top. My oven cooks fast, so a total 1-hour cooking time is perfect. My mom, though, does the exact opposite. Her oven is a bit old, so the meatloaf needs an entire hour to cook fully. Then, the extra 10 minutes just kind of caramelizes the glaze without cooking the meatloaf further.

      My advice is to check the meatloaf when there’s about 10 minutes remaining. If it looks almost completely done, go ahead and add the glaze then. If not, you may need to use my mom’s method for a total cook time of 70 minutes. Hope that helps!


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