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How to Make Almond Butter At Home

Want to learn how to make almond butter? You are in the right place! 

Store-bought almond butter can be pricey. So why not try a DIY version? It is super easy, trust me! 

How to Make Almond Butter at Home featuring Homemade Almond Butter in a Jar and Almond Butter Spread on Slice of Bread

You only need 2 simple ingredients- almonds and salt- and a blender. Of course, I recommend adding vanilla, honey, and cinnamon to the mix. 

There is nothing quite like homemade almond butter. The taste is pure, creamy, and bursting with nutty goodness. 

The beauty of DIY is that you are in total control. 

Fancy it smooth or crunchy? Sweet or salty? The choice is yours! 

Almond Butter

Have you ever fancied making almond butter right at home? You should. It’s a cinch! 

And the best part? It is much easier on your wallet compared to those high-priced store-bought jars. 

Plus, you control what goes in, making it a healthier choice, too!

So, what’s in the mix? Just 3 cups of raw, unsalted almonds and a dash of sea salt. 

You can also throw in some optional add-ins. I like cinnamon, vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup for sweetness. Simple, right?

Heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and roast your almonds for approximately 10 minutes. 

Once cooled, pop them into a blender and process until creamy. 

Add your sea salt, cinnamon, vanilla, and honey, then blend again until well mixed. It’s as easy as that!

And voila! Homemade almond butter is ready to spread, slurp, or scoop.

Pack it into an airtight jar, and you have a delicious treat ready for the week. 

So, ready to give it a go? Say goodbye to overpriced store-bought almond butter and hello to your new favorite DIY spread. 

Small Jar of Homemade Almond Butter with a Sack of Almond Nuts in Background


How easy is this recipe? Well, you only need two ingredients!

And I bet you already have them on hand!

  • Raw, unsalted almonds: The star of the show! They bring a rich, nutty flavor to your almond butter.
    • Can’t find unsalted? Just skip the added salt later on.
  • Sea salt: This enhances the almonds’ natural taste. Don’t have sea salt? Regular table salt will do the trick.


  • Ground cinnamon: An optional sprinkle of warmth and spice. No cinnamon? Try nutmeg, or skip it altogether!
  • Pure vanilla extract: Adds a hint of sweet aroma. If you’re out, use almond extract for a double-almond punch!
  • Honey or maple syrup: This gives your almond butter a gentle sweetness. You can also try agave nectar or enjoy your butter unsweetened.

How to Make Almond Butter

This might not be as easy as opening a jar. But when you taste homemade almond butter, you will see why it’s worth the effort. 

And let’s be honest, blending nuts is not difficult.

1. Preheat and Prep 

Fire up your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread the almonds on a baking sheet. Roast them for 10 minutes. 

Don’t forget to give them a stir halfway through!

2. Blend the almonds 

Once cooled, drop those toasted almonds into your blender or food processor. Start blending. 

First, you’ll get a coarse meal, then a clumpy mass, and finally, a smooth butter.

3. Pause and scrape 

If your blender struggles, hit pause. Scrape down the sides and then keep blending. 

The whole process might take 5-10 minutes. Of course, the time depends on your blender and how powerful it is. 

4. Flavor 

Now that you have your almond butter, it is time for seasoning. Sprinkle in the sea salt, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and honey (if using it). 

Give it another whirl until everything is mixed.

5. Store your butter 

Spoon your homemade almond butter into an airtight jar. You can store it at room temperature for 1 week. 

It will keep it in the fridge for up to 1 month.

6. Enjoy 

Your almond butter is ready to enjoy! Slather it on toast, blend it in smoothies, or use it as a tasty dip. Delish!

Jar of Homemade Almond Butter Top View with a Spoon on a Burlap Cloth

Tips for the Best Almond Butter

What tips could I possibly have for a 2-ingredient recipe? 

You might be surprised!

  • Blend with patience. Do not rush the blending. It might seem like it is taking forever, but gradually, you’ll get that creamy consistency.
  • Let your blender cool off every few minutes. Use this time to scrape down the sides.
  • Start with unsalted almonds. This lets you control the salt level. Remember, you can always add more salt, but it is hard to take it back.
  • Go nuts with nuts. Mix in other nuts like cashews, pecans, or walnuts for a different twist.
  • Keep your almond butter in the fridge to extend its life. Unless you plan to eat it all in one go, of course!
  • Avoid soaked or dehydrated nuts. They need extra oil to blend well. Stick with raw almonds for the best results.
  • Fix dry almond butter: It might need more roasting or oil if the almond butter seems flaky. Or try a different brand of almonds.
    • They’re all a little different. No worries, though, it is always fixable!
Jar of Homemade Almond Butter on a Burlap Sack with Slice of Bread With Almond Butter in Foreground

Flavor Variations

Yes, almond butter is tasty as is. But everything is better with chocolate. Right?

  • Chocolate: Add chocolate shavings and a sprinkle of salt for a divine, sweet-salty combo. Great on pancakes or waffles!
  • Cashew Blend: Pair almonds with cashews. Their sweetness boosts the creamy almond taste.
  • Pecans: Almonds and pecans create a deep, nuttier flavor.
  • Hazelnuts: Combine almonds with hazelnuts for a homemade Nutella vibe.
  • Crunchy: Stir in finely chopped almonds for that satisfying crunch.

How to Store

Homemade almond butter does not have preservatives like the store-bought kind. So, it has its own storage rules. 

This is the scoop:

  • Pantry: Stash it in a dry, cool spot. It will last for 1 month. 
  • Fridge: Want it to last longer? Keep your almond butter in the refrigerator. It will last for 3-4 months.
    • Just remember that it will be very thick and difficult to spread. Let it warm up a bit before using it. 

How to Make Almond Butter At Home

The ultimate life hack? Knowing how to make almond butter at home! With this easy, 5-ingredient recipe, you can make high-quality almond butter in no time!


  • 3 cups raw, unsalted almonds

  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt (adjust to taste)

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)

  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (optional)

  • 1-2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup (optional)


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Fahrenheit). Spread the almonds on a baking sheet and roast for 10 minutes or until lightly toasted and fragrant. Stir halfway to prevent burning
  • Place the roasted almonds into a high-speed food processor or blender. Blend the almonds on high speed. The nuts will first turn into a coarse meal, then begin to clump together. Continue blending.
  • If your blender has a hard time processing the almonds, turn it off and scrape down the sides with a spatula to help the process along. Continue blending until the almond butter becomes smooth and creamy. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on your blender.
  • Once you have smooth almond butter, add the sea salt, ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, and honey if desired. Blend again until all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Transfer your homemade almond butter into an airtight jar or container. It can be stored at room temperature for a week or in the fridge for up to 1 month.
  • Enjoy your homemade almond butter on toast, in smoothies, or as a dip for fruits and veggies. 
How to Make Almond Butter

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beautyeval - InsanelyGood
Hey there! I'm beautyeval. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! I share recipes for people who LOVE good food, but want to keep things simple :)

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