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How to Make Kraft Mac and Cheese Without Milk (15 Best Substitutes)

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to make Kraft mac and cheese without milk, the answer is yes!

Just replace the milk with a substitution like butter, sour cream, or cheese. Your mac and cheese will be just as creamy and delicious!

Baked Mac and Cheese Scooped with a Spoon

Trading dairy for olive oil, mayo, or pasta water, isn’t the first thing to come to mind. But these methods are all tried-and-true. 

Instead of tossing out that pot of boiled noodles, learn how to make Kraft mac and cheese without milk!

Can You Make Kraft Mac and Cheese Without Milk? 

Making Kraft mac and cheese minus the milk is definitely possible. 

Sure, the recipe calls for a dose of dairy. But there are many ways to get around this requirement without sacrificing flavor or texture.

Kraft mac and cheese comes with orange cheese powder, which turns into a drippy, velvety sauce when mixed with a liquid.

It makes sense that milk would amp up the creamy factor, but most liquids will do just fine. 

So if you don’t have any milk on hand, don’t worry! You can still enjoy a creamy, comforting bowl of mac and cheese without running to the corner store. 

How to Make Kraft Mac and Cheese Without Milk

There are many ways to make this classic comfort food without any milk. There are 15 food swaps that work in a pinch.

One of the most obvious options is replacing the milk with a non-dairy alternative like almond or oat milk. 

Another idea is to use extra butter or margarine to create a creamy texture. 

Or you can try a substitution like sour cream or mayo for more flavor.

Whichever route you go down, be sure to cook the pasta until it is al dente. Drain it well before adding the cheese sauce and milk substitute. 

With a little creativity and experimentation, you can still enjoy the deliciousness of Kraft mac and cheese even without milk.

Best Milk Substitutes for Mac and Cheese 

Whole and Sliced Butter on a Wooden Cutting Board

1. Butter

Everything’s better with butter, and this logic is spot-on when it comes to making ultra-rich Kraft mac and cheese.

This hack is so incredibly delicious, you might just ditch the milk entirely.

You basically swapping out one form of dairy for a richer, fattier form. So you can’t go wrong with this replacement.

The only downside is this swap adds a lot more calories and fat. So it’s not ideal if you want a healthier option.

However, there’s no hurt in indulging every so often.

A typical box of Kraft mac and cheese requires 4 tablespoons of butter, so try 6-7 tablespoons for the creamiest results. 

Cream in a Ceramic Bowl

2. Cream

Cream is another delicious swap that tastes far superior to milk.

Adding cream creates an undeniable richness in the sauce. It takes an ordinary box of Kraft mac and cheese to new frontiers. 

You also get a thicker, dreamy texture that makes store-bought noodles taste more homemade. 

Cream is much richer than milk, so start small when measuring it out. Too much will overpower the pasta, so add a few tablespoons at a time. 

You can also cut it with water if you’re worried about the final result being too decadent.  

Pasta in Boiling Water

3. Pasta Water

Pasta water makes a great substitute for dairy when you’re in a pinch.

The leftover water from boiling noodles contains a high dose of starch, which makes the water more viscous. 

Adding it to your pasta will help thicken the sauce, creating a dense consistency that regular water couldn’t achieve.

Since milk is thicker than pasta water, avoid using a 1:1 ratio when making this swap. Try cutting the measurement in half for optimal results. 

You won’t get the same level of creaminess that dairy provides. But if it stops you from throwing out your pot of boiled noodles, it’s worth a shot!

A Bowl of Sour Cream

4. Sour Cream

Did you know that sour cream makes an excellent substitute for milk in Kraft mac and cheese?

This brings the same level of creaminess along with a little extra tang. It’s so good, you might even prefer it.

Just add sour cream in a 1:1 ratio to milk and dig in!

A Bowl of Olive Oil and Olives on a Wooden Table

5. Olive Oil

Swapping in olive oil for milk isn’t the tastiest substitute, but it’s definitely the healthiest!

Listen, I know most of us aren’t eating Kraft mac and cheese for the health benefits. But drizzling in some olive oil can give your bowl a dose of healthy fats.

This swap will create a slightly oily consistency in the noodles, and the taste will be slightly savory. But it will save the pot of mac and cheese from going to waste.

A Bowl of Shredded Cheese

6. Shredded Cheese

If you want to make your mac and cheese even cheesier, simply add cheese.

Swapping out your milk for shredded cheese amps up the creamy factor. Toss it in while the noodles are still hot so the cheese can get nice and melty.

The only downside of this method is that you still need some form of liquid to absorb the powder. Consider adding a tablespoon of pasta water to create a saucier consistency. 

A Glass of Soya Milk in a and a Bowl of Soy Beans

7. Soy Milk

Non-dairy alternatives such as soy make a great replacement for milk when making Kraft mac and cheese.

These milk alternatives are formulated to hold their own against dairy, so they work well.

Soy milk has a creamy texture with a mild flavor that goes undetected in mac and cheese. Use a 1:1 ratio to cow’s milk for the tastiest results. 

Mayonnaise with Basil on a White Bowl

8. Mayonnaise

Mayo? In Kraft mac and cheese?

You heard that right, mayo makes an excellent milk substitute in a bowl of cheesy noodles.

The uber-rich, creamy texture with a slight tang transforms ordinary mac and cheese into something magical.

A 1:1 ratio between mayo to milk will take your noodles to a new level.

A Bowl of Chicken Stock

9. Stock

If you’re out of milk, try using stock! You can use any broth tucked away in your cupboard. Chicken, beef, or veggie will all work.

Stock won’t bring any extra creaminess, but it will add a touch of savory flavor to enhance your mac and cheese. Just use a little bit less broth than you would milk.

cream cheese

10. Cream Cheese

Cream cheese isn’t just for bagels, it also makes a welcome addition to mac and cheese.

Use this swap in a 1:1 ratio to milk. The decadent results will blow you away!

Cream cheese increases the velvety texture and gives you an extra thick sauce. It’s a good idea to reduce the amount of butter in the dish so it’s not too rich.

Roux in a Bowl

11. Roux

Roux is a mixture of butter, flour, salt, and pepper, and it’s mostly used to help thicken sauces.

It also elevates this simple comfort food to cheesy nirvana.

Since roux is pretty dense, add additional liquid to the noodles, such as broth or pasta water. 

Evaporated Milk in a Small Jug

12. Evaporated Milk

Have a can of evaporated milk lurking in your pantry? Put it to good use in your mac and cheese!

It has a thick, white consistency with 60% less water than regular milk, so reconstitute it before use. 

Follow the directions on the can. Once it has a runny texture, use it like you would regular milk in mac and cheese. 

Powdered Milk in a Bowl

13. Powdered Milk

Powdered milk is a fantastic swap for regular milk. Unlike evaporated milk, powdered milk has zero liquid and comes in a granular white form.

Prepare the powdered milk first. Once it’s back in liquid form, use it in your mac and cheese at a 1:1 ratio to regular milk. 

Heavy Cream in a Clear Bowl

14. Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is another swap that blows milk out of the park. It creates a rich, dreamy texture to make your palate swoon.

Since it’s so decadent, start by adding a couple of tablespoons, then check if the consistency is right. Add additional tablespoons until it’s creamy enough.

A Glass of Almond Milk and Almond Nuts in a Wooden Table

15. Almond Milk

Almond milk is another great milk swap for Kraft mac and cheese.

This non-dairy alternative has a mild nutty flavor with a lovely creamy texture. It goes incognito in mac and cheese, so you won’t even know it’s in there! 

Plus, this milk swap is very low in calories and fat, making your cheesy bowl of comfort food a shred healthier. 

How to Make Kraft Mac and Cheese Without Milk (15 Best Substitutes)

To make Kraft mac and cheese without milk, replace it with butter, sour cream, cheese, or other substitution.


  • Butter

  • Cream

  • Pasta Water

  • Sour Cream

  • Olive Oil

  • Shredded Cheese

  • Soya Milk

  • Mayonnaise

  • Stock

  • Cream Cheese

  • Roux

  • Evaporated Milk

  • Powdered Milk

  • Heavy Cream

  • Almond Milk


  • Select your favorite substitute.
  • Organize all the required ingredients.
  • Prep some Kraft mac and cheese in 30 minutes or less!
How to Make Kraft Mac and Cheese Without Milk

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beautyeval - InsanelyGood
Hey there! I'm beautyeval. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! I share recipes for people who LOVE good food, but want to keep things simple :)

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