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25 Common Types of Apples (Different Varieties)

End the produce aisle confusion and learn about these 25 types of apples

There are so many apple varieties piled up at grocery stores and farmers’ markets.

From red delicious to Granny Smith, the options seem endless. 

Fresh Organic Varieties of Yellow, Green and Red Apples

But what’s the best apple for your recipes and snacks? Let’s talk about 25 types of apples.

Their flavors, colors, origins, and textures are all different and can be used for different dishes. 

Once you’re through with this list, you’ll be an apple expert.

There’s no doubt you’ll always choose the perfect types of apples for your next apple recipe. 

1. Gala 

Gala Apples

Gala apples originate in New Zealand and make a wonderful snacking apple. 

They’re tall and thin with a bit more yellow coloring on their skin than other apples. Sometimes they even have yellow stripes. 

The flavor of a gala apple is mild and crisp. Since they don’t have any intense flavors, they’re ideal for snacking.

But they can also be used in most cooking and baking recipes

2. Red Delicious

Red delicious apples

Red delicious apples are likely what you think of when you picture an apple. They’re dark red in color and have a sweet flavor. 

These apples are a bit softer than most but still have a nice crisp texture.

When using red delicious in recipes, stick to dishes that don’t require the apple to hold any shape.

These are best for applesauce, apple butter, or cake recipes. 

3. Honeycrisp 

Honeycrisp Apples

Honeycrisp apples are extra crispy and wonderfully sweet. 

These apples are very popular and are in high demand.

Although they’re available year-round, they’re most delicious in the fall months. 

Honeycrisp apples are usually used to make apple cider due to their lovely flavor.

Since they’re nice and crunchy, they can hold their shape in almost any recipe. 

4. Fuji 

Fuji Apples

Fuji apples were invented in Japan and are great for snacking and baking.

They’re a very versatile fruit due to their flavor and firmness. 

These apples have a sweet and crisp texture and are at their peak in the early winter.

They hold up really well in the oven but they’re also fantastic in salads or slaws.  

5. Granny Smith 

Bright Green Granny Smith Apples

Granny Smith apples are bright green in color and cannot be missed. If you love sour food, you’ll really enjoy these apples. 

Ideal for snacking and baking, Granny Smith apples are a popular pick.

They’re harvested in October but can be found in supermarkets all year. 

Pair them with sweet dips and ingredients for a perfect balance of flavors. 

6. Golden Delicious 

Golden Delicious Apples

Golden delicious apples are an aptly named variety. They have a buttery texture and a honey-like flavor with spicy notes. 

They’re easy to spot thanks to their bright yellow color, and they have thin skin.

If you don’t plan on eating them right away, they should be frozen as soon as possible. 

These apples are wonderful for ciders and other recipes that don’t require them to keep their shape. 

7. Pink Lady

Pink Lady Apples

Pink Lady apples are super crisp. They almost have an effervescent quality when you bite into them. 

Flavor-wise, pink lady apples are tart to begin with and finish on the sweet side.

In fact, in order for it to be called a pink lady, it must meet certain sugar and acid qualifications.

If they don’t, they’re called cripps on the store shelves. 

These apples are lovely for snacking and will hold up well in baking dishes. 

8. McIntosh 

McIntosh Apples

McIntosh apples are an ideal hand apple. They have bright red skin and the flesh is soft, yet crisp. 

McIntosh apples are available most of the year. September through May and are great for making applesauce. 

They don’t hold up well in the oven, so they’re best eaten raw. These are great for adding to salads or snacking on-the-go. 

9. Jonagold 

Jonagolds Apples

Jonagolds are hybrid apples. A cross between the tart Jonathan apple and the sweet golden delicious, they’re sweet with a hint of tartness. 

If you’re lucky enough to find these in the grocery store, be sure to enjoy them promptly.

They don’t store very well but are lovely to use for baking or snacking.  

10. Braeburn 

Braeburn Apples

Native to New Zealand, Braeburn apples are a hybrid of a Granny Smith and a Lady Hamilton apple. 

They’re tart and crisp with a lovely fruity aroma.

Braeburn apples bake incredibly well and when added to apple pies, they turn sweet and pear-like. 

Braeburn apples are mostly available during the late fall and early spring.

11. Empire

Empire Apples

Empire apples get their name from the fact that they were invented in New York in the 1960s.

They’re a hybrid between McIntosh and red delicious. 

Empire apples are firm and perfect for baking. They have a sweet and tart flavor and are best in September. 

The texture of empires allows them to be used in many baking dishes and they make a great snack. 

12. Envy

Envy apples

Envy apples are incredibly sweet. I’d say they’re the exact opposite of a Granny Smith.

They’re a cross between a gala and a Braeburn. 

The red skin, sweet flavor, and crisp flesh are almost similar to pears.

These apples are a fantastic addition to salads and entrees. 

This slightly floral apple is a great choice for a sweet snack

13. Jazz 

Jazz Apples

Jazz apples are the sibling of Envy apples, however, they’re more elongated in shape and yellow in color. 

The flavor of jazz apples is sweet and pear-like with a creamy crisp texture.

These apples are super dense, so they should be sliced instead of biting into them. 

You’ll see these apples in late November, and they make a wonderful snack. 

14. Baldwin 

Baldwin Apples

Baldwin apples are not as popular as they once were.

Back in the 1930s, a freeze wiped out most of the trees, so they’re much harder to come by in modern times. 

These apples are mostly available in the Northeast at local farmer’s markets. They have a spicy-tart-sweet flavor. 

If you’re lucky enough to spot them, use them for snacking or baking.  

15. Gravenstein

Gravenstein Apples

Gravenstein apples are super sweet with a touch of tartness. They have a uniquely intense flavor.

They’re so good that there’s a whole fair dedicated to the Gravenstein in Sonoma County, CA.

Since they’re so crisp, these are great for cooking and baking. Their flavor also makes them a delightful snack. 

Their peak is during the summer: July to August. These are perfect for applesauce. 

16. Liberty

Liberty Apples

Liberty apples are super unique. Their dark maroon color is almost plum-like. 

These apples are sweet and juicy but also crisp. They even have hints of melon flavors. 

Use these in apple pies, applesauce, compotes, or just for a snack.

No matter how you use them, you won’t be disappointed. 

17. Hidden Rose

Whole and Sliced Hidden Rose Apples

The hidden rose apple is absolutely gorgeous. It has a pale yellow-green color, and the flesh is a beautiful rosy pink. 

The flavor is tart with a sweet finish and they have a wonderful crisp texture.

When you see these in the store, usually between October and November – they’re a must-buy. 

These are great apples to use for all kinds of desserts. 

18. Mutsu

Mutsu Apples

Mutsu apples are large and green, a hybrid of golden delicious and indo apples. 

They’re tangy and sharp in flavor with an incredibly crisp texture.

These are sometimes called Crispin apples and can be found in stores during the fall. 

Mutsu apples are wonderful for snacking, baking, and cooking. 

19. Northern Spy

Northern Spy Apples

Northern spy apples are juicy and crisp with fantastic flavor. 

These apples are extra crisp so you may prefer to slice them when enjoying them as a snack.

They also make a fantastic slaw with their honey-like flavor. 

Northern spy apples also have a higher dose of vitamin C!

20. Cameo

Cameo Apples

Cameo apples are a beautiful red color with lightly striped skin. 

The flavor of these apples is pretty sweet with a hint of tartness.

They have a crisp texture that holds up to heat very well. 

When you bite into a cameo apple, you might even taste some notes of citrus or pears. These apples are available well into spring. 

21. Cortland

Cortland Apples

Cortland apples are easily recognizable. They have a short round shape with striped skin. 

The flesh is a creamy white, similar to McIntosh apples, but they have a firmer texture. This makes them ideal for baking and cooking.

Cortland apples actually brown slower than most apples, so they’re great for a large salad at parties or charcuterie board. 

22. Holstein

Holstein Apples

Holstein apples are known for being very easy to grow at home.

The flavor of Holsteins isn’t as sweet as other apples. They’re spicy and acidic with a hint of sweetness. 

These apples have an orange-ish color and are great for baking, cooking, snacking, and juicing!

23. Opal

Opal Apples

Opals are similar to golden delicious apples, although they have a more yellow-orange color. 

This apple variety has a very distinct crunch along with its sweet and tangy flavor. 

The great thing about opal apples is that they don’t brown at all!

Use them for all the gorgeous party foods, and they stay beautiful all day. 

24. Ambrosia

Ambrosia Apples

Ambrosia apples have an interesting history.

In the 1980s, they naturally appeared in Canada. As a result, their “parents” are unknown. 

Because of the yellow and red coloring, it’s possible that these are a cross between golden delicious and starking delicious apples. 

Ambrosias are refreshing, crisp, and perfect for baking and snacking. 

25. Winesap

Winesap Apples

Winesap apples are a fantastic balance of sweet and sour.

They get their name from the juice which has a wine-like quality. 

When you bite into a winesap apple, you get a lovely crunch.

These apples are terrific for baked goods that have warm holiday spices. 

These apples also pair deliciously with cranberries and plums. 

25 Common Types of Apples (Different Varieties)

These different types of apples are all healthy and delicious! From gala to honeycrisp to fuji and pink lady, each variety is sure to delight.


  • Gala

  • Red Delicious

  • Honeycrisp

  • Fuji

  • Granny Smith

  • Golden Delicious

  • Pink Lady

  • McIntosh

  • Jonagold

  • Braeburn

  • Empire

  • Envy

  • Jazz

  • Baldwin

  • Gravenstein

  • Liberty

  • Hidden Rose

  • Mutsu

  • Northern Spy

  • Cameo

  • Cortland

  • Holstein

  • Opal

  • Ambrosia

  • Winesap


  • Select your favorite type of apples.
  • Try a fun and exciting new recipe.
  • Enjoy!
Types of Apples

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beautyeval - InsanelyGood
Hey there! I'm beautyeval. I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! I share recipes for people who LOVE good food, but want to keep things simple :)

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